Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fairy Portrait Day scheduled for August 20

The past few weeks have been "slightly" crazy, but that's okay--keeps me on my toes!  PandaMania vacation bible school at my church was a resounding success in June, I attended a 2-day family reunion in Columbus, went to Lake Cumberland for a few days of much-needed R&R, and now I'm concentrating on getting the word out about my first ever Fairy Portrait Day, to be held on August 20, 2011.

I am very excited about the fairy portraits.  This new theme is something I've been thinking about and planning for almost 2 years.  I hope you can join me August 20.  If you don't have a little girl the appropriate age for photos, would you please pass on the information to someone who does?  I appreciate it!

Fairy Gallery Update

Recently I did an extended fairy session for 5 little sisters, age 6 and under, who were adopted from China a year ago by my friend, Ann.  What fun we had!  Two of the girls are pictured in the flier above.  Their photos have now been added to my fairy gallery for your viewing pleasure!  Link:  http://goldleaf.zenfolio.com/p1071047913

Here are a few to whet your appetite!

That's it for today.  Have a wonderful day and enjoy it to the fullest!

Take care,

Mary Kay Baird
Gold Leaf Productions