Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been awhile…

I think I've given up blogging on a rigid schedule…it's just not happening!  As much as I'd like to, sometimes life just gets in the way.  Can you relate?

I've just gone through one of my busiest weeks ever!  But it was great and I loved every minute of it.  High school seniors are winding down the year and finalizing up their orders for photos and grad announcements.  Here are 2 of my favorite and most popular designs from this year.

I especially love the pink announcement because my daughter, Kristin, designed it.  She is a fabulous artist and works with me sometimes.  She lives in another state but sends her finished artwork to me via email.  Gotta love technology!

You can see my entire gallery of senior designs at:  http://goldleaf.zenfolio.com/p307884859  These designs can be totally customized to any occasion.  New designs are added on a regular basis as the creative juices flow.

Senior Moms Night Out Open House

Everyone that attended my open house last Friday evening had a blast!  I appreciate every one of you that stopped by.  There was lots of great conversation and good food.  I think some new friendships were even made!  People were trading email addresses and tips for a successful senior year.  I wish all of you the best and hope to see you again this summer or fall for senior portraits!

In Memory Of Mavis
I'm very sad to report that Mavis, pet and family member to my daughter and her boyfriend, died Monday morning of complications from surgery.  She was 9 1/2 years old.  I had the opportunity to photograph Mavis 2 years ago.  Doesn't she have a sweet face?  Mavis loved to run on the beach near her home.  Her ashes will be scattered there.  We will miss you, Mavis.

Hug all your family members often, including your pets, and make the best of life!  Every day is precious.

Have a great week, everyone.

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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