Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer has arrived!

Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend, and that you took time to remember the reason for the holiday.  My weekend was full of grad parties and cookouts, in addition to a studio shoot for one of my class of 2012 reps.  And to top it off, Vacation Bible School (VBS) starts at my church on June 20, and I'm in charge of publicity, decorating, and--what else--taking photos of the kids all week and posting them for everyone to see.  We have a great VBS program at our church, and this year the theme is "PandaMania."  I'll post more on that later.

Cool Program (F-R-E-E!)

I just learned of a really cool program to make your own posters, called PosteRazor.  I've already used it for VBS--what a time-saver!  Take any piece of art and enlarge it as big as you like.  The program automatically creates a PDF file that allows you to print it like a puzzle on several sheets of paper.  Then you assemble the pieces and you're good to go!  I can see this being especially useful for teachers and the like.  Here's the link:  http://posterazor.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=about&lang=english


Recently I did a really fun family session with three girls, a guy, and a dog, and the star of the show was definitely Colton, the dog.  He had no idea what was going on, therefore he didn't mind so well.  Really had no clue what was expected of him in such strange surroundings.  Colton was a big, gentle sweetie.  But he would not face the camera!  There was talk of taking some photos without him, but one of the girls would not even think about it--Colton was the main reason they were there! 
We finally got him to pose nicely for a couple of shots, and I think they turned out rather well.  Didn't get the variety I had hoped for, but the family loved the images.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, and be happy with what you can get!  You know, come to think of it, that works in life, too.

Have a great week, everyone.

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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