Monday, May 2, 2011

It's frustrating…

Right now I'm blessed with a ton of work…and that's a really good thing! But, as a result, I'm not able to make regular posts to my blog, and that's very frustrating. I promised a photography training segment last Friday and just couldn't squeeze it in. I hope you will forgive me…  :-)  Here it is, a little late.

On Target Photo Training Series--Part 4

Previously we discussed how quickly your photography will improve by the simple use of a notebook. I hope you've started one. If you have, I'm certain you've had some pretty interesting insights over the last month. Don't forget to pre-visualize your photos before shooting. Note it in your notebook.

We also covered how easy it is to improve our photography by simply saying the word "BASE" - out loud before each shot.  B-A-S-E is a mnemonic to help us remember--before taking the photo--to check the Background, Action, Shutter, and Eye (f-stop).  I hope you have been forcing yourself to say the word BASE before each shot AND going through the checks. It may seem silly and time consuming, but you will save yourself much heartache in your photo adventures.

Remember "Murphy's Law"? It simply states that something that CAN go wrong eventually WILL go wrong. And I can tell you from experience that whenever a photograph gets ruined by overlooking one of the BASE checks, it will ALWAYS turn out that that one shot would have been the best one of the day.

So now, let's move on to some new territory…

You're Not Likely To Enjoy This!

In this section, I'm going to give you another frequently overlooked pointer that can - actually, let's change that to WILL - immediately improve your photography.

But, there's some good news and some bad news.

Here's the good news…assuming you have a camera - this next technique is free.

The bad news is that it is…b-o-r-i-n-g, but SO essential!  You'll thank me later (I hope).

A true professional is someone who has mastered all the basics.

A long time ago, I read something that really struck a cord with me.  Here is what I read: "At least once a year professionals go back and review all the basics."

Think on that. If a professional is someone who has ALREADY mastered the basics and yet they need to review them at least once a about those of us who HAVEN'T reached a level of mastery?

Here's another question for you…have you read the user manual for your camera? That's about as basic as it gets. Have you really read it? Not just skimmed through it. Can you even find it?

I keep mine in my camera bag and I read it through - with my camera in hand, at least once a year. I find all the buttons they refer to…even though I've been pushing those buttons for years. I find all the knobs. I check out all the settings, and so on. I make sure I understand every page before I move on to the next one.

It may be boring, but you WILL learn something.

Read your user manual this month - every page - and make a note of what you've discovered in your notebook. (You have started a notebook, right?)

Now, on to bigger things…

Let's do the unthinkable! Let's turn off our camera's automatic (programmed) settings and start taking pictures in manual mode.

It's worth it. When you start thinking about the creative options your camera has to offer - and start using them, your photography will skyrocket to the next level so fast it will boggle the mind.

Gold Leaf Senior Reps

All 3 of the high school juniors who attended my senior rep meeting last week signed up to be part of the program! Yay! I'm very excited. These young women will represent Gold Leaf Productions photo studio at Blanchester High School, Little Miami High School, and the Warren County Career Center. We'll hold their senior photo sessions in the next few weeks, and then the fun begins!  You'll be seeing their smiling faces quite a bit in the next several months.

Senior Moms Night Out

On May 13 I'm holding an open house at my studio for the moms of the senior class of 2012. They'll have a chance to meet me, see examples of my senior photography, sample some tasty treats, meet other moms, and win fabulous door prizes! They will be eligible for event-only discounts and bonus senior package add-ons. Plus, I'll be taking free photos of each mom for emailing and social networking! If you are a class of 2012 senior mom or know one, spread the word! Come experience the radical hospitality you'll receive when your son or daughter comes to Gold Leaf for their senior portraits. We are going to have fun!

Gotta run--take care and have a great day!

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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