Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I've been rethinking my series on photography training, and have decided that 3 segments a week is too much. Therefore, to allow more time to really absorb the information, I'll be posting one topic each Friday. That way you'll have the weekend to play!  Hope you are enjoying the series so far.

This week has been incredibly busy, but I love it!  Monday I finished up my part of the wedding video I was involved with–the video that will be shown at the reception in Puerto Rico this Saturday.  This couple had a very small wedding at a justice of the peace, but it was really nice!  I had pictured photos in an office with a desk and filing cabinets in the background, but it wasn't like that at all.  The officiate had quite a nice setup, and we got some really great images in the chapel.  Afterward we shot some photos along the Ohio River near the Newport Levy in Kentucky.  Amazingly, the clouds parted for just that one day last week, and we had a glorious, sunny Thursday.  Best wishes to the happy couple!

For the past few years I have used high school senior ambassadors to represent by photography studio to boost my senior picture business.  I am in the process of selecting Senior Reps for the class of 2012, and held an informational meeting with 3 lovely young women and their mothers last night.  I explained the program and they had a chance to view samples of my work and ask questions.  They all seemed interested in participating, so hopefully you will see their images soon in this blog and on Facebook.  I love working with this age kids–they are so full of excitement and energy!

Must finish here to get ready for a family session later today, which includes 4 people, a dog, and a cat.  Should be fun–I'll post images later.

Take care and have a great day!

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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