Monday, April 11, 2011

How to take amazing flower photos

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. It got to 85 degrees in Cincinnati on Sunday--it felt SO good!

A new feature has been added to my blog as of today. If you'd like to receive my blog posts by email, simply enter your email address above in the space right under the header, and click SUBMIT.

As I've mentioned before, flowers are some of my favorite subjects to photograph. Doesn't matter to me what kind they are…even dandelions can be photo-worthy. In fact, when I was a very small girl, my sister and I thought dandelions were so pretty that we went door-to-door selling bouquets of the bright yellow blooms. We were baffled that no one else shared our fondness for these beautiful flowers. Our business venture came to a screeching halt when a neighbor called our mother and complained. But I digress…

I went to a baby shower in Springboro last Saturday, about a 45-minute drive from my home, most of it through the country. On the way north, I saw hundreds of trees that were chock full of white blossoms (I think they were pear trees). Even though it was drizzling, they were just beautiful. If it had been nice weather, I probably would have stopped to get a few shots. Oh well, another day!

I'm sure there are lots of you who also enjoy flower photography, and Mother Nature will reward all of us soon with more than enough subject matter. Today I have a wonderful article for you on taking floral photos, by Darren Rowse at Here's the link if you want to check it out: In the article, Rowse mentions using a tripod, but don't worry if you don't have one. It does take a steady hand to get sharp images, but it can be done. Experiment, practice and, above all else, have fun!

If you are interested, email your best flower photos to me and I'll post them on my blog. If I have enough, I'll create a gallery and post a link. Send your images to: If you are able, add a copyright to the image first. If you can't, I'll add one before posting.

Take care, and have a fabulous week.

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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