Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring has sprung…or so the calendar says!

With the long winter we've had, it's hard to be patient for warm weather.  We had a brief taste of it a few weeks ago in the Cincinnati area, but we want more! It will come in due time, on its own schedule, and before long we will be complaining about the heat!

But things are starting to green up--grass, tree buds, sprouts--even the weeds are looking good at this point. I love spring and the promise of the future. My husband and I are blessed to live on 5 acres, where I run my studio. When spring is in its full glory, the grass is a lush, green carpet, and the trees once again are full and bushy with new growth. It won’t be long now. Mother Nature is already working her magic.

Any season will work for outdoor portraits, but there’s just something special about spring! Everything is so FRESH, right down to our attitudes. No doubt, my property would make a gorgeous backdrop for your family or pet portrait, but maybe you have some beautiful property of your own! On-location photo shoots are some of my favorites. They are fun and exciting for everyone. Think about it…maybe this is the year.

Take care!

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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