Friday, April 8, 2011

Macro photography with your DSLR

Today's post expands on yesterday's subject of macro (closeup) photography for those of you that have a DSLR camera (digital single lens reflex), or any camera with a lens that will accept lens filters.

With prices dropping to affordable levels, lots of folks these days are buyng DSLRs for their own personal use. They are fairly easy to use and take beautiful photos.

Most DSLRs don't have a macro setting on the camera like the point and shoot models. Certain lenses allow for some degree of closeup photography, but are limited to how close you can get. There are specific lenses you can buy for extreme macro use, but they are expensive and, IMO, unnecessary for the hobbyist. I have a 50mm lens for my DSLR that also has macro capabilities, but often what I prefer to use for my macro images is a set of closeup filters. They are very inexpensive and give me the soft focus effect I love.

These filters come in different sizes. You will need to get the correct size to fit your lens. Just look into your lens and you should see the size printed near the rim (52mm, 58mm, 62mm, etc.). I have a couple of different sets to fit different size lenses, since they are so affordable.

Closeup filters normally come in sets of 3. Each filter is a different strength, and you can use them individually or layer 2 or all 3 of them together for stronger magnification.  The photo above is the center of a flower that was no more than 2 inches in diameter. I used all 3 of the filters together to get this shot.

The subject area that will stay in sharp focus will be limited, so play around with different filter combinations to get the effect you want. You'll also need a steady hand.

The following link contains a really good list of the different types of camera filters available, including closeup filters, and what they do. This is not an endorsement of this company, since I have no experience with them. But the list is informative.

Thanks for visiting. Take care and have a great weekend!

Mary Kay
Gold Leaf Productions

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